Lock down blues got you too… Needing to bring your vechile back to life.
Get your Valet done by Mobile_car_glazers!
Which also includes a complementary exterior wash.

- Windows cleaned
- Mag wheels cleaned
- Tyres finished off with a tyre shine
- The complete inside of the vehicle is cleaned (Cloth or Leather seats) – Everything on the inside – The interior is also sprayed with a fragrance. —————————————————————————– Contact us today to make your appointment for a clean and spotless vehicle.
Contact: 011 791 1114 011 791 0903
Email: info@mobilecarglazers.co.za
Website: www.mobilecarglazers.co.za
Facebook: Mobile Car Glazers
Instagram: @mobile_car_glazers
Post Tagged with engine degrease, glazing, moblieglazers, moblievalets, valets, valets in ferndale, valets in strydompark