Phone: 0861 CAR VALET
011 023 5400
Tel: 011 791 0903



We have a great deal for you.

Book your vechile for a Stage 4 Machine Glaze polish and get a Valet added on for R250! How awesome is that. ———————————————–
Mobile Car Glazers Specializes in then following:  -Car Detailing
-Car Glazing
-Car Valets
-Engine Degreasing
-Chassis Degreasing and cleaning
-Premium wax application
-Headlight Restorations
——————– ——————–
Feel free to get in contact with us on any of the above to find out any other information.
Contact: 011 791 1114 011 791 0903
Facebook: Mobile Car Glazers
Instagram: @mobile_car_glazers


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